Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Artist Survey: CHERRYE J. DAVIS

TMTC Ladder Series Artist, Cherrye J. Davis, took some time in the midst of getting ready for her presentation THIS weekend [Friday, April 13 - Saturday, April 14] to answer a few questions regarding her process and her piece: TAPES.

Q: What YouTube video best describes how you are feeling right now?


The more I get to know Tapes, the more it becomes it's own beast. This is what I feel like when I dance with the Tape-Monster. Sometimes we flail. Sometimes we walk away from each other. Sometimes our stillness is most eloquent.

Q: What has been the most exciting thing about developing TAPES?

A: The most exciting part of developing Tapes has been working with an amazing, diverse, generous collaborators. They have inspired new changes and pages, as well as kept me smiling when I felt stuck. It has been a real blessing to have everyone's hand on the fader to push the piece further.

Q: What has been the most challenging thing about developing TAPES?

A: The greatest challenge has been listening to what the piece is becoming and remembering to take chances with it. It can be scary to release scenes. However, through chopping old things, I make room for new things that make the piece so much clearer and brings the piece closer to itself.

Q: If TAPES was a song, what song would it be?  WHY?

A: If Tapes was a song, it would have to be a 3- headed speaker monster in Apple tribute:
  1. Empire State of Mind- Jay-Z and Alicia Keys : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0UjsXo9l6I8
  2. Autumn in New York- Ella Fitzgerald: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=50zL8TnMBN8
  3. Back in the New York Groove- Kiss: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pHOeTShtxSg

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